Nomader (Bertha)
Oppgavene er utarbeidet av Ciara Solheim og Gunnar Renslo ved Persbråten vgs, uke 45, 2008
Engelsk Vg1
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land
Internasjonal engelsk
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- drøfte ulike sider ved flerkulturelle samfunn i den engelskspråklige verden
Til læreren:
Students should look up the vocabulary terms given below.
Questions 1-8: All students answer the questions.
Questions 9-15: Each student chooses one or more question(s). The questions are divided into specific types of intelligences fromHoward Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (sist sjekket juni 2011).
Refer to the following link for a quick summary of each intelligence. You might want to briefly explain to the students what each intelligence is about.
Vocabulary: controversial, provocative, eye-grabbing, nomad, outcast, icon, portrait, poverty, marginalized, posture
- Use at least 5 of the vocabulary words to describe what you see in the photograph.
- Explain the term nomad. Why is it used as a title for this photograph?
- How does this picture differ from other images of homeless people you may have seen on tv, in a film or in a newspaper?
(Consider the direction in which she is looking, her body language and the perspective from which we gaze at her etc.) - Describe the colors in the picture. How do the colors affect us as viewers?
- What can the clothes tell us about the environment in which she lives?
- Read the text from the Norwegian National Museum. (sist sjekket juni 2011)
Why do you think the artist chooses to create a portrait of this woman? - What is your opinion of the photograph?
Does it engage you?
What kind of feelings does it provoke?
Explain your answer. - What themes does the photograph touch upon?
Students may choose one or more of the following questions.
These questions are divided into specific types of intelligences from Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory.(sist sjekket juni 2011)
- Visual-Spatial intelligence
The photograph is one of six in a series called Nomads.
Explain what these portraits can tell us about race and poverty in the United States. - Musical Intelligence
Choose a song that best highlights the woman’s emotions, life and experiences.
Explain why you think this song is suitable in telling this woman’s story.
Use parts of the lyrics to support your arguments.
Present this to the class. - Logical-Mathematical intelligence
Gather statistics on poverty levels in New York City over the past three decades.
What can these statistics tell us about the rise and fall of the poor population?
What initiatives have mayors taken to counter the effects of poverty?
Based on your statistical findings have these measures been successful?
Write a small report.Link: National Poverty Center, University of Michigan. (sist sjekket juni 2011) - Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Describe and demonstrate to the class the body language and physical gestures of the woman in the photograph.
Repeat this exercise for a homeless person you may have seen on tv, in a film, in a newspaper or in your local community. Consider the differences in your presentation. - Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Try to Imagine this woman’s life. Write her story. - Interpersonal Intelligence
Write a first person narrative based on the point of view of Bertha’. - Intrapersonal Intelligence
Imagine you are the mayor of your town, where there is a serious issue of poverty.
You also have come to understand that poverty levels have a connection with ethnicity, increasing crime rate and ghettofication of your city.
How do you plan to solve this issue?
Write your suggestion and discuss in class.