Oppgavene er utarbeidet av Henning Gärtner og Ciara Solheim ved Persbråten vgs, uke 13, 2009
Engelsk Vg1
- bruke et bredt utvalg digitale og andre hjelpemidler, inkludert ettspråklige ordbøker, på en selvstendig måte
- uttrykke seg skriftlig og muntlig på en nyansert og presis måte, med flyt og sammenheng
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land
Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
- bruke et rikt og nyansert ordforråd til å kommunisere om samfunnsfaglige emner
- oppsummere, kommentere og diskutere ulike synspunkter på samfunnsspørsmål
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- drøfte spørsmål knyttet til sosiale og økonomiske forhold i noen engelskspråklige land
Til læreren:
Spørsmål 1-4 er best egnet for Vg1.
Vg2 og 3 kan svare på alle spørsmål.
Spørsmål 6-7 involverer oversettelse.
De kreative oppgavene kan gjøres av Vg1, Vg2 og Vg3.
Answer in writing and discuss in class
- Describe in detail the artwork by Andy Warhol.
What do you see?
- What does this image make you think about?
How does it make you feel?
- What do you personally associate with Coca-Cola?
- Why do you think you have these specific associations?
Where do they come from?
Advanced questions
Discuss in pairs and answer in writing
- Why do you think Warhol chose Coca-Cola as his motif?
- Read the text on Warhol from Nasjonalmuseet.
What does it say about Coca-Cola and the symbolic value it represents in modern culture?
- Describe the technique used by Warhol to produce these artworks?
- Based on this image, how would you describe Warhol’s artistic expression?
(Is his art for example emotional, cold, serious, personal, expressive, flat, superficial, funny, playful? Explain!)
Why do you think Warhol’s art was labeled POP ART?
- Do you view Warhol’s art as a criticism or a celebration of modern processes and ideas like: mass production, advertising, capitalism, and consumerism?
- Some critics see Warhol as a political artist.
How could his Coca-Cola images be interpreted as political art?
(Look up the concepts globalization and cultural imperialism online, and make use of these concepts in your answer.)
Creative Tasks
Choose one
- Find an ad for a popular product you like and create a piece of art out of it.
Present your artwork to the class.
- Write a short story or a dramatic dialogue set in New York in the 1970s (before McDonald’s arrived in Peking and Moscow) where one of the characters exclaims:
The most beautiful thing in Tokyo is McDonald’s.
The most beautiful thing in Stockholm is McDonald’s
The most beautiful thing in Florence is McDonald’s.
Peking and Moscow don’t have anything beautiful yet.
(Taken from “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol” by Andy Warhol)
Present your text to the class.
- Warhol is also famous for having said in 1968, “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.”
How has his prophecy become a reality today?
What would YOU choose as your strategy to gain 15 minutes of fame?
Discuss in class
- Create a PowerPoint presentation where you present 8 other famous artworks by Warhol for the class.
- Create and act out a live commercial for Coca-Cola for the class.
The commercial should be original, provocative and have an interesting story line.