Gin lane
Emne: Engelsk historie og samfunn mellom borgerkrigen og første verdenskrig
Oppgavene er utarbeidet av Ellen Thyness og Eva Sirevåg ved Persbråten vgs, uke 38, 2008
Engelsk Vg1
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land
Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
- Drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklig land
Til læreren:
De 5 første oppgavene er beregnet både for Vg1 og Vg3, oppgave 6 og 7 er beregnet for Vg3.
Engelsk (Vg1) og Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
- Study the picture closely. How do you react to it? What feelings does it evoke?
Discuss in groups or write your impressions. - The picture is said to depict a society on the verge of collapse.
Find details in the picture that show this.
Make a list. - Study closely the group of three people to the left (when looking at the picture) and explain what is going on (pawn broker = pantelåner).
Discuss in groups or write your impressions. - At the centre of the picture is a drunken mother carelessly taking a pinch of snuff while her baby falls – probably to its death.
Write her story. - Why did gin become such a curse in the 18th century?
Did the authorities do anything to reduce the consumption of the drink?
Find information in encyclopaedias or on the Internet.
Present in class.
Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
- William Hogarth found many of his motives in life in 18th century London, a dirty and overcrowded city with huge class distinctions and numerous social problems.
What setting and characters would you include if you were to illustrate the dark sides of life in a modern city?
Draw a picture and / or write a text. - The 18th century was the period of rationalism and enlightenment and writers as well as other artists were keen to spread these new ideas.
Make a presentation of issues and central ideas of this period.
Use encyclopaedias or the Internet to look up the Age of Enlightenment.