Engelsk Vg1, Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
Kompetansemål: Engelsk Vg1
- lage og vurdere egne muntlige eller skriftlige tekster inspirert av litteratur og kunst
Samfunn, kultur og litteratur
- drøfte sosiale forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i ulike kulturer i flere engelskspråklige land
Kompetansemål: Samfunnsfaglig engelsk
Samfunn, kultur og litteratur
- drøfte spørsmål knyttet til sosiale og økonomiske forhold i noen engelskspråklige land
- drøfte hvordan sentrale historiske hendelser og prosesser har påvirket utviklingen av det amerikanske og det britiske samfunnet
Oppgaver utarbeidet av Ciara Solheim ved Persbråten vgs, i uke 37, 2010.
Part one
- Describe what you see in the painting.
- Describe the mood in the diner.
- What kind of feelings does the painting evoke?
- If the diner was playing music, what do you think it would be playing and why?
- Where do you think this might be and what time/period is it?
Explain why place and time/period might be important to the interpretation of the painting. - Comment the artist’s use of light.
Why does he choose florescent lighting? - Why do you think the painter chose not to paint a door into the diner?
- What does the title mean in relation to the painting?
Part 2; Digging deeper
- Imagine you are one of the characters in the scene.
Write his/her monologue. - In 1940s America, there surfaced a film movement called film noir. This painting is often linked to this movement.
Google film noir and Nighthawks, and find out how they are connected.
Based on the information you find, create a dialogue between the characters in the style of film noir.
For additional information on film noir go to the following link, (sist sjekket juni 2011) where a college student dramatizes how to create film noir. - Choose one of the people depicted in the painting and write his/her story.
The woman seems to depict a typical “femme fatale” of film noir.
Angle her story from the point of view of a femme fatale. - Find information about America during the late 1930s and 1940s.
What was happening during this time politically, socially and economically?
How does Hopper express these developments in his paintings?
Find other paintings of Hopper from this period on the internet.
Write an article. - Hopper said this about the painting: “Unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of the large city.”
Explain what he means by this in writing.
Read what you discovered to the class. - Vanishing New York City is a blog about NYC’s disappearing neighborhoods.
Go to (sist sjekket juni 2011)and watch the preview to the documentary “The Vanishing City.”
Explain the issues presented in the clip.
How do you think Hopper might illustrate this issue? Describe.
Til læreren
Spørsmål 1-8: Besvares skriftlig enten individuelt eller i par.
Spørsmål 9-14: Læreren velger hvor mange oppgaver som skal løses.
Spørsmål 10: Hvis lenken ikke fungerer, få elevene til å søke på YouTube etter snuttet «Film Noir Filmaking How to: Indy Mogul»